Stuck in the Mud of Madness

These are tough times. And many of us are struggling with the intensity and madness of the Outer World. Especially we who have embarked on the Journey Within - an Inner Journey to find out who we are, what our Truth is - for us, the Outer World has become very, very loud and a very uncomfortable place. The Journey Within is a Journey into clarity, quietness and the natural order. But the chaos and collapses happening in the Outer World are exactly the opposite of that. Structures are crumbling. Institutions are challenged like never before. The known has started to be no more. 


In addition to this, people have started to think, feel and live for themselves, taking things into their own hands. Social Media has become the new place for inspiration and has definitely become the new place for psychological hygiene - pushing the old institutions like churches, religions, sects & cults into unemployment and redundancy. Thanks to the Internet with its technologies and Social Media women all over the world have started to make money in ways that world has never seen before, freeing themselves from the slavery and oppression societies have kept them encaged. Yes, these are tough times. But these are also remarkable times. 


For the old, entrenched structures these are "dangerous" new structures and mechanisms. For the sane (often oppressed) structures these are freeing times. In older times going against the entrenched structures did lead to persecution and death. Looking at the news, in some parts of the world not much has changed since then. Yet, compared to earlier times, there is now a Zeitgeist that supports, elevates, protects those who dare to follow their own Truth. Therefore the clashing of the fronts is a given. And that is what's happening around the world now.


Fear. Denial. Deception. Lies. Disdain. Defiance. Aggression. Oppression. Hate. Revenge. Challenged by the current Zeitgeist that invites us to elevate our lives into a more truthful reality, the dark side of Humans has unleashed (once again) and its shit is spilling out everywhere. The Outer World has become a very loud, a very uncomfortable and unsafe place. And for us who are diving within ourselves, who have embarked on our Inner Journey to not only explore but also find and express our Inner Self, this current madness is a heck of a challenge. Some of us may even find ourselves getting pulled into that darkness and being devoured by the madness that meanwhile is unfortunately to be found everywhere.


Therefore, following a persistent inspiration, I'll be offering regularly a «Nugget of Support» where I'll be sharing direct support from the Inner World through an Inner World Artwork and its Transcription. I'll also continue to send every couple of weeks (or months) my full packed Explorer Letter with so much evergreen content, support, information and links about the Inner and Outer World that you'll be accompanied on your unique Inner Journey for weeeeeeeks.



🎹 Today's Inner World Artwork contains the colors:

Lila / Orange / White


📝 The Titel of its Transcription is:

«Stuck in the Mud of Madness»



May you feel the support and love from the Inner World so that you can stand firm and clear in your own Truth 🌳 so that you do not get lost in the swirls of Madness đŸŒȘ And may the last days of 2023 be days of clarity, closure and joy while looking forward to the new adventures of 2024Â đŸ›”







This Blog Post was last updated on Wednesday, 07.02.2024.


«Stuck in the mud of madness»

«Child of the Light.

Darkness you have touched.

In Darkness you might be.


Child of the Light.

Storms you have unleashed.

In Storms caught up you might be.


Child of the Light.

Mud you have touched.

In Mud stuck you might be.


Child of the Light.

Above the Darkness Light is.

Above the Storms Light is.

Above the Mud Heaven is.


Child of the Light.

Darkness is, but so is Light.

Storms are, but so are Calm Weathers.

Mud is, but so is Fertile, Stable Soil.


Child of the Light.

Stretch out.

Straighten up.

Bring your body into an upright position.

Stretch your spine.


Take deep breaths.


Child of the Light.

Supported you are.


Orient your spine towards the Heavens.

Open up your chest.

Offer your heart to the Heavens.

While deeply breathing.

Allow your body to recalibrate.


Child of the Light.

Indeed, supported you are.»



/ Painting extracted from the Inner World May 2016

/ Painting transcribed December 2023

by Veronica Trombini




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Journey to your Inner Self


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 All content created with ♄ by Veronica Trombini |  ©  2015 - 2024