The Power of Gratitude



The Inner Journey is about exploring and recovering our Inner Self - the Seed of Life within ourselves, the Spark of Life within ourselves, Source Energy within ourselves. In this context, the Inner Journey is also about wanting to understand our Inner Structures and Mechanisms - we do that by exploring the Inner World so that we can (re)connect with who we truly are. 


But we're Human Beings. And that means we have a body, that needs food and shelter and clothes and are part of societies. And with that a whole bunch of issues arise. And so part of being on a Inner Journey is the necessity to stand firmly on our two feet and live a sane, stable and nourishing Earthly Life - in order to not only be able to actually continue our Inner Journey, our quest for our Inner Self but also to be able to respond adequately to the challenges of the Outer World. Which when looking at how messy this world is is quite the endeavour.


And the messier the world is, the more we want and need to stand firmly on our two feet and live a sane, stable and nourishing Earthly Life. Especially if we want to not only be able to continue our Inner Journey and actually reconnect with our Inner Self. This we can achieve by for example implementing gratitude into our everyday life. Gratitude is indeed one of the most powerful energies to tap in. And implementing gratitude into our daily practice we'll be able to fundamentally change the way our life unfolds.




Every day is a new day. Every day we're invited by the Universe to start over. Every day we get the chance to make things different. And, every morning we're setting the tone for the entire day. So, focusing on getting the morning "right" helps tremendously to set a basic, nourishing foundation, that has a long-term effect for our entire life.


As simple and trivial as it sounds, a simple "Thank you" just when waking up, works wonders. Gratitude puts us in the space of tranquility, joyfulness and "everything-is-alright". Gratitude is one of the most powerful energies to tap in - and which will help us shift our mental and emotional status immediately. We can't express an honest "Thank you" and be depressed. We can't express an honest "Thank you" and be caught up in our fears. We can't express an honest "Thank you" and be in asshole modus.


So if when waking up, we immediately shift our thoughts and energies to gratitude we're not only benefiting from a wonderful tranquil and grateful state ob being and setting a great tone for the day, but we're actually also training ourselves to shift our thoughts and energies - which will us enable us in sooooo many ways. Below two examples of gratitude meditations that we can implement into our morning routine. We can easily adjust the texts according to our current life situation.







This Blog Post was last updated on Friday, 26.01.2024.







«Thank you.

Thank you for waking me up.

Thank you for this new day.

Thank you for being here with me.»







«Thank you for this new day.

Thank you for waking me up.

Thank you for my warm bed.

Thank you for my blankets.

Thank you for my cushion.

Thank you for my pyjamas.

Thank you for my body.

Thank you for being healthy.

Thank you for having a job.

Thank you for having a roof over my head.

Thank you for having a kitchen.

Thank you for having a fridge and food in it.

Thank you for having running water.

Thank you for having a toilet.

Thank you for having a shower.

Thank you for the sun outside.

Thank you for being here with me.

Thank you for guiding me today.

Thank you.»






When to apply:

- Right after waking up

- Before going to sleep (just adjust the sentences)

- Can also be applied as many times as you want through the day (just adjust the sentences)


How much time is needed:

ca. 5 - 15 min. per exercise



A tranquil, calm, grateful, centered, sweet, feeling safe

emotional and mental state.



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