
I am Veronica.


And this  is the path I walked till today.




orchids and plants.
I share my home with many, many, really many plants and orchids.

and diving into other cultures is a
of mine.


I traveled to
Africa, Argentina,
Australia, Austria, Brazil,
Canada, Canary Islands, China, Czech Republic, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, France,
Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, 
India, Italy, Japan, Maldives,
Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Saudia Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sweden,
Syria, Thailand, USA,

United Kingdom.


especially the sky, the clouds, the trees, the birds and the waters.



I am constantly learning, learning, learning.

I LOOOVE books and the Internet. Thanks the Heavens for Google and YouTube! And thank goodness those dark ages without the Internet are forever gone!




And hate assholes.




is how I keep and maintain my integrity and therefore sanity.



the physical extension of my being. And where I create. In short: THE place to be.



Born in the Swiss-German part of Switzerland to Italian and Spanish immigrants.



I'm here and there -walking and standing

in both worlds.



I got my first pro-fessional education and job at 15 years -
a commercial apprentice-ship
at a law firm and notary's office, 
where I studied and worked as a law and notary secretary.


In my twenties, I've been
an international

Flight Attendant
at SWISSAIR - one of the best years of my life.

The Grounding of our National Airline was a one

of a kind experience.



Dancing- is where my essence is FULLY expressed and alive in the physical realm.
For me, dancing is the
natural state of existence.


I performed in China - in winter 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 we were invited to perform Butoh in South China. Silvester 2015 we danced 
in Guangzhou in front of millions of Chinese on National TV.



And today I'm not only accompanied by my partner on this earthly experience, but recently also by two fluffy pups.



Meet Trüffel & Caramelle


I live in ZÜRICH,



I worked for twenty years in Commercial Administration as an

Executive Assistant.



I originally-originally wanted to study Law & Internationally Relations. A 10 years investment.



Instead I invested
10 years in learning, exploring and researching 
Dance & Movement Therapy,
 Massage Therapy, Webdesign,

Photography & Videography,

Property Investment, Money,

Alternative + Sustainable Living

& Building,

Interior Design,
Online-Business, Blogging, E-Commerce

and Entre-preneurship.



At the end of my 10 years Journey of learning, exploring & researching,

I created E-School - The Journey to Your Inner Self, my one of a kind online school for exploring, researching and traveling the Inner World.



Today, I am fully dedicated

to explore and research the Inner World.




is to  share the material I'm extracting and tran- scribing from the Inner World with those who want to explore their Inner Self and live a nourishing human life.

 🌟 Sign up for my Explorer Letter 🌟

and learn more about the Inner World.


 All content created with  by Veronica Trombini |  ©  2015 - 2024 veronicatrombini.com