Posts tagged with "veronica trombini"

Inner Tools For a Sane Inner Journey
17. February 2024
Part of being on an Inner Journey is the necessity to stand firmly on our two feet - within ourselves (the Inner World) as well as in the Outer World. We can't be taken serious in the Outer World if don't have stability in the Outer World. Nor can we be journeying in our Inner World if we do not have stability in our Outer World. Being serious about our Inner Journey demands therefore keeping our energies, our Inner Journey AND our Outer World everyday life balanced ⚖️

06. March 2021
I want you to have as much support as possible on your Journey to your Inner Self. Therefore in today’s Blog Post we're looking into creative self-expression. At some point or the other on your Inner Journey - you might feel the need to express yourself creatively. With art and creative mediums you're absolutely free to be creative AND explore AND research your Inner World whenever it feels right. And so in today’s Blog Post I present you one of my favorite creative mediums: Oil pastels 😍

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 All content created with  by Veronica Trombini |  ©  2015 - 2024