Are you truly alive? Or have you become a stiffened carrot?


Then congratulations you landed in the right place 🌍

Hi, I am Veronica. I'm a gorgeously lively Human Being passionately devoted to Life and to the Creative Process.


And if you've embarked on your Inner Journey in order to not only explore but also find your Inner Self with the goal of creating a one of a kind Life as an unique expression of your Essence, I can be of service 💖

Veronica Trombini

My job is to explore and research the Inner World and bring forth its information into this realm in a tangible, experiencing way and make that information accessible to those who are on their Inner Journey and long for support 🏞 


For this, I've created E-School - The Journey to Your Inner Self a one of a kind Online School with a unique self-selective and non-intrusive approach for those who are on their Inner Journey and long to explore and research their Inner World in a safe way, in their own time, at their own pace, in their own space, without the interference of any therapists, gurus, experts 🌺


Check out E-School's Program Tour with its three different study programs and learn how you can explore your Inner World and be supported on your Inner Journey from the comfort of your home 🛋

you matter

 🌟 Sign up for my Explorer Letter 🌟

and be supported on your Inner Journey.


 All content created with  by Veronica Trombini |  ©  2015 - 2024